The advertising industry is an industry full of creativity. Billboards should highlight the characteristics of products. In addition to spokespersons and eye-catching slogans, the design of billboards also has flexible and changeable requirements. In order to meet the needs of users for flexible design, the laser cutting machine is controlled by the program in the computer system. The technicians only need to set the corresponding design pattern, and then they can start the cutting work. The multi-functional feature of this machine is the laser The fundamental reason why cutting machines are favored by the advertising industry.

BAISHENG Laser cutting machine has the following four advantages:

1. Improve the utilization rate of sheet materials - support one-click import of drawings, automatic typesetting, and automatic optimization of material layout, which can improve material utilization rate;

2. Excellent quality - high precision machining, smooth cut surface, one-time molding, no need for subsequent edge modification. It can also eliminate the mold opening process and improve production efficiency;

3. Save the cost of molds - no need to use molds, no need to repair and replace molds, virtually reduce production costs, and at the same time, it can respond quickly to different cutting needs of different customers, which is very suitable for various types and batches of production modes;

4. Less pollution - laser cutting belongs to the category of environmental protection processing, with low noise, clean and pollution-free, and effectively solve the problems of enterprises.

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